Images Magazine

Congratulations, Fellows
Congratulations to fellows JONATHAN F. RUSSELL, M.D, PH.D.; NATHAN L. SCOTT, M.D.; M.P.P., ADAM L. ROTHMAN, M.D.; and J. DANIEL DIAZ, M.D., for being awarded Heed Fellowships for 2019-2020. A Heed Fellowship, presented by the Heed Ophthalmic Foundation and the Society of Heed Fellows, is one of the most prestigious honors a post-graduate trainee in ophthalmology can receive. Of the 24 awards given nationally this year, Bascom Palmer’s doctors received four. Drs. Russell and Scott are currently complet-ing their fellowships in retina and will become chief residents later this year. Diaz and Rothman are fellows – Diaz in retina, Rothman in glaucoma.
Bascom Palmer’s ophthalmology residents and fellows have a long and impressive history of receiving Heed Fellowship awards. Current chief resident, NICOLAS YANNUZZI, M.D., received a Heed Fellowship last year. Ten current faculty members also received the award during their ophthalmology training: EDUARDO C. ALFONSO, M.D.; HILDA CAPO, M.D.; VICTORIA CHANG, M.D.; ANAT GALOR, M.D.; DAVID S. GREENFIELD, M.D.; J. WILLIAM HARBOUR, M.D.; BYRON L. LAM, M.D.; PHILIP J. ROSENFELD, M.D., PH.D.; SWARUP S. SWAMINATHAN, M.D.; and WILLIAM E. SMIDDY, M.D.