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AGS Recognizes Richard K. Parrish II, M.D., as 2020 Honoree
In February, the American Glaucoma Society (AGS) recognized RICHARD K. PARRISH II, M.D., as its 2020 Honoree for his lifetime contributions to AGS and the field of ophthalmology. A man of unquestionable integrity, Parrish is a dedicated scientist and world-renowned glaucoma specialist. Humbled by the award, Parrish said at the ceremony. “Accolades such as these are usually relegated to the end of one’s career. At the age of 68, I still feel like the most exciting times in medicine are yet to come.” After accepting the award, Parrish asked the audience to stand for a moment of silence in honor of Chinese ophthalmologist Dr. Li Wenliang, who first described the possibility of a SARS-like illness that later proved to be the novel coronavirus,” Parrish said. “This was the most memorable moment of the meeting for me,” he added. “Wenliang contracted COVID-19 from one of his glaucoma patients and later died and was criticized by the Chinese government for calling attention to these sick patients,” said Parrish, who also wrote an editorial in the American Journal of Ophthalmology entitled: “Ophthalmologists Are More Than Eye Doctors – In Memoriam Li Wenliang.” Parrish sees his role as an academic ophthalmologist at Bascom Palmer “as being a student for life rather than just being a teacher. We must keep asking hard questions and seeking answers.”